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  • Writer's pictureSeamsters Masked Warriors Unite!

Elastic Quality Matters!

Updated: May 8, 2020

Have you ever thought that Elastic would be so important? Neither did I, but according to Paulette Gilbert, a freelance theatrical costume designer, who is very familiar with elastic, we found that it is in fact VERY important for several reasons.

There are different types of elastic on the market, and when Paulette was getting her preferred elastic choice (heat- resistant, braided), she provided the group with this tidbit. When calling the local craft/fabric store, she asked the clerk, "to stretch the elastic, and look for the ability to see through the woven holes." The clerk did this and saw the weave, which indicated the elastic is woven.

Paulette continued, "If you have a choice, try to purchase braided over woven as it’s much more resilient, and won’t snag." If nicked, the woven elastic will begin to unravel.

Some woven are heat resistant and some braided are not. Paulette says the ones she ordered were not heat resistant. Although the braided elastic she purchased (through Etsy) is not heat resistant, it will be more durable and "has a tighter weave meaning it will be snugger" and a better fit.

So how do you tell if yours is resistant to heat? After laundering, touch it with your warm iron... if it melts, cracks or has a rubbery residue feel, it’s not heat resistant. Ideally, you want to find heat resistant braided.

What is Paulette doing with all of her woven, non-heat resistant elastic that she was sent?

"I’m extending a little past the fabric when placing on corners. This allows the elastic to be more secure in the mask when it is finished.

I'm also cutting 1/4” less than my needed measurement, as it stretches more and provides a looser fit."

Nevada County Masks for COVID-19 has received a few elastic donations, and while 1 is the woven, and still suitable for most masks, the other is an entirely different type of elastic. Listed as a LATEX FREE, Mask Cord, 4mm Diameter, this elastic resembles that made from t-shirts, so is soft but more durable.

In testing this elastic, I did find that when hit with the iron, it did melt a little, which is something Paulette mentioned would not work in hospital masks.

However, it too would be perfect for our high risk families and our groups in need of masks.

Whatever elastic you choose, they all have their uses, and there is always a need. If you are in need of elastic, please reach out to Elizabeth in order to receive some of the elastic donated to our group. Keep Sewing!

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